Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Blog Birthday to Me!

In June of 2009 I started this blog as a challenge to myself. 

The first entry reads in part "Someday soon I'm going to become a full time hand knitting designer. I'm going to write about this change in my life and hopefully look back to assess what I did right as well as the mistakes I make along the way."

I didn't quit my full time job at the time, however I did resign the following March and since then my life has changed in many ways for the better. 

The blog has been part of that process and has added to my experience in many ways.

Writing a blog can be challenging. I have quite a few sites explaining grammatical rules book marked for all of the questions that come up. This month I'm joining a writers group because while my writing has improved I want to get better than I am currently, at expressing myself.

The entries in a blog need to be concise and informative. I've had to run series to address some of the topics I've chosen. Some of my posts have been mainly photos, short and sweet as a contrast. I get to test out different formats and styles of writing in this manner.

I've done a interview series which has turned out to be very popular and has lead to me making friends with others in my field that I wouldn't have met any other way. 

When I look at the stats I see that people are reading me from locations all over the world. I often see google translator being used to convert my posts into Russian, Estonian and German.

The blog has made me more thoughtful, there is something in the process of writing that adds clarity to our thinking. 

Happy Birthday to you my blog and many thanks for all the great things you have given me!


  1. Best wishes on your blogiversary!
    I always enjoy reading it, seeing "fashion", "design" and knitting in a new light.

  2. The thanks is coming right 'back attcha' for all the great things you give us. Happy Blog Birthday.

  3. Happy Blog Birthday!!
    Rav: knit1yoga2

  4. Happy Blog Birthday! Keep going and Happy Knitting!

  5. Happy blog birthday. Your blog is often thought provoking and always interesting. Thank you for that. (And for your interviews.)

  6. Your persistence is admirable and your articles are always interesting. Keep up the good work!

  7. It's one of my favorite blogs, Robin. Congrats on 4 years!
